Friday 24 October 2014

Mission Trips Information Sessions for Parents and Students

Many students have expressed interest in finding out about Mission trips in 2015. You are therefore invited to come to a session called:

What really happens:  in BALI  and China  and  Central Australia when MACC goes on Mission trips.

Two sessions have been scheduled to enable attendance.

Session 1: Tuesday evening 4th November at 7.00pm in the Hub.
Session 2: Wednesday afternoon 5th November at 3.15pm in the Yr 6 room.

There will be information presented and opportunities to ask questions.

Please contact the College by Monday 3rd November so that appropriate preparations can be made. (please let us know the session you will be coming to and how many will be coming)

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Central Australia - 2014 - A Success!

Our August trip to Central Australia and the remote community of Willowra was a tremendous time for all involved.

Emily put together a video to help people get an idea of what this trip was like. Check it out!

Emily's Willowra Trip Video Record

Here is a little of what each of the students thought about the trip: (click on their name)





Friday 20 June 2014

China 2014 - Here we Come!

Just a week now and 16 students and 2 teachers will be on their way to China.
Please pray for the Team, safe travel and effective service.

The Team: Joshua, Liam, Joel, Dakota, Sarah, Jade, Chloe, Emily, Annaliese, Siona, Michael, Nicholas, Kyle, Tayla, Dominique, Kyle, Mrs Gray and Mr Sales.

Look out for photos when we get back.

Last Year's team at the Village Kids Club:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Missions Trips Information Night - 2014

Missions Trips Information Night – 

                                        Thursday 1st May - 7pm in The Hub

 Missions trips are planned for 2014
  • China (June/July) - Places have been filled
  • Central Australia (August) 
  • Bali (December)

 If you would like to find out more or are come along week 1 next term . More information about the details of the trips, including application forms, will be given on this night. There will also be opportunity to ask any relevant questions. Even if you feel you may be interested in future trips, please feel free to come along and see what MACC Mission Trips are all about.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Bali 2013 - MACC's practical support through teams and Missions Day

In December, 2013, Matt and Chris were on the team that went to Bali.

We made significant contributions to a variety of outreaches.

1. Water Tank in Munduk: we spent a couple of days helping to build a tank for a family who has had to walk some considerable distance to get fresh water. Pastor Nyoman uses works of service to his Hindu community as a way of showing the love of God available to us all through Jesus Christ.
Special thanks to the 'sleepover' team!

2. PPA (Compassion Project in Denpasar): We were able to go into the slum area and play with the kids and leave some toys with them. We also helped the Project buy football boots for the kids so they can play 'proper' football and Futsal. One of the boys has even been selected to trial with Manchester United.

3. We spent some time at a Chidren's home called "Balilife".
We helped them buy essential and much needed items to help these children with their schooling and doing homework.

Bali 2014 - Promo for Yr 12

Make Schoolies Count

Monday 17 February 2014

Let's Get Started - 2014

Last year's trips were an outstanding success.

  • biggest ever team to China
  • first ever team to Central Australia
  • first ever team to Bali
Students who want to go to China have already been asked to show expressions of interest as this year's trip will be in June/July holidays and so planning and preparation needs to get underway a.s.a.p.